God’s Answer To Overthinking

Dozens and dozens of people have opened up to me about the same subject…

Their minds are constantly focused on everything that can go wrong.

They can’t sleep as well as they’d like…

They doubt every decision they make…

And they can’t enjoy themselves.

Overthinking is something that a lot of people struggle with.

If you also have this concern, make sure you read on.

Because I’m about to tell you how I helped these people eliminate it for good.

Without using any fancy techniques or having to spend a fortune on therapists.

Before I tell you what you can do, we need to make something clear,

Overthinking is nothing but an adapting mechanism.

That’s right.

By considering every potential hazard, our ancestors were able to escape trouble and live in the wild.

In modern times, however, this mechanism can hinder our experiences.

Especially if the part of our mind that’s responsible for analyzing threats becomes overactive.

We have more complex problems nowadays than running from animals or staying safe from the cold.

If we try to analyze everything that might go wrong, we will eventually burn ourselves out.

Overthinking can overtake everything else, and keep us constantly worried.

It sounds terrible, and it is for most people.

But as Christians, we have a way to eliminate overthinking.

And replace it with positive and happy feelings.

The answer is praying.

When we pray, we communicate our worries and concerns with God.

This allows us to shift our minds from planning, from thinking, from anticipating possible emergencies.

To being present.

This is what’s missing from a lot of people nowadays.

They either think about past decisions, or about future problems they might have to face.

But rarely are they present.

Present in their conversations.

Present in their family meals.

Or present in their experiences.

Praying can completely reverse that.

It can remind you that God is in control of everything, and that your job is to be happier and engaged in the present.

So if you struggle with overthinking,

Try praying more often.

It can solve it for good.

9 thoughts on “God’s Answer To Overthinking

  1. That’s great advice! And it reminds me of how the Bible instructs us not to rely on our own understanding, but instead on the Lord’s. That would help cut down on overthinking too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s great advice! And it reminds me of how the Bible instructs us not to rely on our own understanding, but instead on the Lord’s. That can sure help cut down on overthinking 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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