A Few of My Favorite Summertime Prayers that all Christians can enjoy

Since summertime is among us, I would like to share some of my favorite prayers for summer that I believe all Christians will enjoy learning!

A Short Christian Summer Prayer for Family Gatherings

Heavenly Father,

In the warmth of summer, families gather like the petals of a flower, forming a beautiful bouquet of love and togetherness. We offer our gratitude for these precious moments. May our family gatherings be filled with laughter, love, and shared memories that last a lifetime.


A Short Christian Summer Prayer for Relaxation and Rest

Heavenly Father,

Amidst the hustle and bustle of summer, we seek moments of rest and relaxation. Bless us with the ability to unwind, to find solace in the quiet moments, and to recharge our weary spirits. Grant us the gift of peaceful sleep and rejuvenation.


A Short Christian Summer Prayer for Grateful Hearts

Dear Lord,

As we pause to appreciate the beauty of summer, we offer our thanks for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon us. May our hearts overflow with gratitude for the simple pleasures, the vibrant colors, and the warmth of community. Help us always remember to be thankful.


A Short Christian Summer Prayer for Safe Travel

Dear Lord,

As summer beckons us to explore new horizons, we seek your divine protection during our journeys. Watch over us as we venture near and far, ensuring safe travels on the roads, in the air, and over the waters. Guide us through unfamiliar paths and bring us back to our loved ones, enriched by our experiences.


A Short Christian Summer Prayer for Happiness & Health

Dear God,

In this season of vitality, we pray for the gift of good health and happiness. May our bodies be strong, our minds at peace, and our hearts filled with joy. Bless us with the energy to embrace every moment and the gratitude to cherish each day.


And finally, here is a beautiful summer prayer By Emma Danzey

Our Kind Father,

Thank you for the gift of summertime. Thank you for the opportunity to have a season of celebration, family time, renewal, and adventures. We pray that you would be the center of our thoughts and actions this summer. We ask that wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we will glorify you with it. We pray that we would be dedicated learners of Your Word and give time to grow in understanding the Bible and memorizing Scripture. We pray that we would worship our hearts out to you in song. We pray that we would honor you with our own creativity and talents, whatever that might be.

God, You say in Genesis 8:22, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” You have set up the seasons so that we could live in them and worship you in each one. As we enter summer, may it remind us of Your great faithfulness and provisions to us. May it give us joy as we see You bring back flowers, design new sunsets, and bring up morning dew again. May the heat remind us of the warmth and goodness of the sun that You have created which sustains life here for us. Help us to know that You are gifting us with this season of summer to enjoy, rejoice, and worship. We celebrate that You are the God of the harvest and that we can see the beauty in Your creation.

Proverbs 10:5 says, “He who gathers crops in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.” God help us not to be like the disgraceful son. Help us not to be lazy and careless just because of summer. Help us to be like the prudent son who gathers crops and uses his time wisely. It is so easy to allow a slower season to become a wasted one. Please give us the drive and passion to serve You wholeheartedly and to live our days to glorify You in the work that we are called to in this season. Help us to enjoy this summer to its fullest and to find joy in the purpose in which You call us each day.

Lord, we praise you for this beautiful, exciting, and restful season. Help us not to let it go by without seeking You in the midst of it. We pray that we would bring you glory with our time, our rest, and our efforts. Amen.

I hope everyone has enjoyed these wonderful summertime prayers as much I enjoyed sharing them with you!

God bless, and have the best summer of your life!

Do You Have The Courage To Let God Guide You?

If you are a Christian like me, the you know that God loves us and has a plan for our journeys.

But sometimes we struggle to let go and trust Him completely.

We want to be in control and make our own decisions.

To move the needle wherever we want to.

It’s normal to feel this way.

But the truth is, if we want to experience true growth, we need God’s support.

We can’t do everything ourselves.

So what does it mean to let God take control?

It means surrendering our will, our desires, and our plans to Him.

It means acknowledging that He knows what’s good for us, even when we don’t.

And trusting that His ways are higher than ours.

This is not an easy thing to do.

But I know that I’m not talking to atheists.

If you are reading this, you’ve probably experienced God’s love and power first-hand.

When we let God take control, everything begins to make more sense.

We become more like Christ, and less like our old selves.

We begin to see the world through His eyes and to love others with His heart.

Sometimes we may worry that God will not come through for us, or that He will take us down a path we don’t want to go.

But showing your trust is another one of God’s tests.

One that we have to go through if we want our journeys to alter.

God loves us more than we can imagine, and He wants what’s good for us.

But how do we let God take control?

It begins with prayer and surrender.

We need to ask God for the courage to let go of our need for control and trust Him completely.

We need to surrender our plans, our fears, and our doubts to Him, and ask Him to guide us in His will.

As we surrender to God, we will experience the power of His love and grace in our journeys.

We will be transformed by His Spirit, and we will begin to see the world in a unique way.

So let’s choose to let go and let God take control.

As we experience true bliss.

How To Unlock Your Spiritual Christian Talents

Do you know that God has gifted you with unique spiritual talents?

That’s right. Every single one of us has received divine blessings given to us by God Himself.

But the question remains, have you unlocked these blessings yet?

When God created us, He didn’t merely mold us from dust.

He blessed us with His divine spirit, granting us unique spiritual strengths to discover, nurture, and use for His glory and the enrichment of others.

Unfortunately, many of us transverse our journey without realizing these strengths, much like a miner unaware of the diamonds beneath his feet.

People need to realize that each one of us has a role to play, a function to perform in the body of Christ.

And that comes from our unique spiritual strengths.

The simplest way to unlock these strengths, as well as your endless potential as a faithful Christian, is with prayer.

Seek God’s wisdom and ask Him to unveil your spiritual strengths.

As David prayed in Psalm 139:23, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” May this be our prayer too.

Self-reflection is also a critical step. What tasks come naturally to you? What do others often praise you for? Your strengths may be connected to these qualities.

Furthermore, pay heed to the insights of your spiritual community. Others often spot strengths within us that we may overlook.

However, it’s not just about recognizing your strengths. It’s about utilizing them.

Just as this important verse reminds us.

Do not conceal your strengths or bury them.

They were not provided for your sole advantage but to uplift others and glorify God.

Whether it’s prophecy, service, teaching, encouragement, generosity, leadership, or mercy, each of these strengths can be a powerful tool in God’s service.

Let’s embark on this divine journey of discovery together

And once we’ve recognized our strengths, let’s employ them to light up the world with God’s love.

Attending Your Local Church Is Good For Your Health (Especially If You Are Older)

I just read a very interesting finding about defense veterans.

These guys almost always have post-traumatic stress and anxiety.

I can’t even imagine the things they have to live with.

But investigators from the University of South Australia tried something to lift their spirits.

They assigned them an emotional support dog.

And the results were incredible.

More than half of the participants saw a significant improvement in mood and mental health.

Associate Professor Van Hooff even said that “For many veterans, an assistance dog gave them a sense of purpose and a reason to live.” 

I would expect that assistance dogs would support the veterans, but not to this extent.

The reason I am telling this to you is not to tell you how awesome dogs are.

(Although they are pretty awesome).

When I read studies like this, I try to think about what we can derive from them.

There is nothing magical about dogs that improves people’s health.

How could they support the veterans so much?

Behind the answer to that question lies a very important Christian principle.

Dogs are very good at keeping people company.

This is essential in old age.

There is a number of analyses out there, showing that people become increasingly lonely as they grow older.

They don’t meet so many people anymore.

They don’t have a lot of goals.

And they lack the strive they had when they were younger.

Loneliness is detrimental to people’s health.

That is why attending your local church is even more important as you grow older.

If you are a Christian, you know that the church provides a sense of community, belonging, and purpose.

It gives you the ability to meet and interact with people who have similar values and beliefs whenever you want to.

A lot of churches also provide a variety of activities and events, such as Scripture study groups, volunteer options, and social gatherings. 

This annihilates loneliness.

And it greatly boosts people’s mental and physical health.

Too many people nowadays are lonely and sad.

Christianity actively fights that every day and promotes emotional and spiritual well-being.

If you ever feel lonely, know that your local church can correct that.

We are always there for one another.

And we should encourage everyone, especially the elderly, to participate in church activities and promote a sense of purpose. 

God Bless

Is Social Media From The Devil?

Have you been on Tik Tok or any social media platform lately?

Kids, teens, and even adults of all ages these days are posting everything there.

From what they eat in the morning to the places they visit, it seems like there’s no end to what they share.

They even post about their personal lives, including relationships and struggles.

This might seem like a childish behavior they will grow out of,

But it is more than it looks.

This constant need for attention and validation is keeping them away from God.

Take a look at this verse from Scripture:

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)

God wants us to be humble.

Social media, however, is appealing to people’s narcissistic side.

It makes our children hunt for likes, comments, or how many followers they have.

And it is steering them away from the path that God has laid out for us.

It doesn’t have to be that way, however.

Social media is not fundamentally good or bad.

It is simply a tool for communication.

And it depends on how people use it.

Take this Christian blog post you are currently reading, for example.

I am using social media to share God’s ways with good Christians like yourself.

There is nothing wrong with using it, as long as we are following God’s Will.

As parents, teachers, and role models, we can teach our children to use this technology as a tool to connect with others, spread love, and share God’s word.

We can also encourage them to be mindful of what they post on the web and to prioritize their spiritual growth over popularity.

Let’s support our children to understand the true value of humility and to use social media in a way that brings them closer to God, not further away.

Remember, Scripture tells us that we are to “be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” (Romans 12:2)

This applies to our use of social media as well.

So let’s renew our minds and use social media in a way that honors God.

How Praying Protects You From Aging

Have you ever seen someone who looked 30 even though he was 50?

Or someone who looked 50 even though he was 30?

This used to confuse me in the past…

Why do people differ so much from one another?

I recently read a study, however, that opened my eyes to the answer.

As it turns out, our emotions play a huge role in how quickly our cells age.

Scientists have discovered that negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression can actually cause our cells to age faster.

But this is actually good news for us.

As Christians, we have a powerful tool to help us manage our emotions and even reverse the aging process – prayer.

Prayer is not just a way to communicate with God.

It also has numerous benefits for our physical and emotional well-being.

When we pray, we are able to release our worries and fears to God, giving us a sense of peace and tranquility. 

This can help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn can slow down the aging process.

Prayer also helps us to focus on the present moment and let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that may be holding us back. 

Most people are constantly worrying about the future.

And most of the time, they worry about things they can’t control.

Praying, however, allows us to be mindful and experience our lives as God wants us to…present.

This mindfulness can help reduce feelings of depression and improve overall emotional well-being.

Look anywhere in your local church, and you will see it in people’s eyes.

Everyone has a deeper sense of gratitude and joy when they are connected to God.

When we take time to reflect on the blessings in our lives, we are able to focus on the positive and appreciate the little things.

That’s I encourage you to make prayer a regular part of your daily routine. 

It may seem small, but it can have a big impact on our lives.

As we grow older, it’s important to be at peace with our emotions.

It will show in our faces, and in our thoughts.

Remember, God is always with us.

And through prayer, we can actually enjoy our lives…instead of worrying about every little thing.

So stay close to God, and you will stay young even at a late age.

Just Do This To Be More Like Christ

As a young Christian woman living in a world of social media, one of the most common questions I hear is, “How can I become more like Christ?”

There are many ways to answer this question, but one of the most robust ways we have is our own self-talk.

What we say to ourselves on a regular basis can have a significant impact on our thoughts, feelings, and activities.

That’s why I want to talk to you about the power of labeling yourself with godly traits.

When we label ourselves with godly traits, we are essentially speaking God’s truth over our journeys.

Instead of allowing negative self-talk to take over, we are intentionally choosing to focus on the positive attributes that God has given us.

This can include traits such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, which are the fruits of the Spirit.

Scripture tells us that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12: 2)

When we label ourselves with good traits, we are actively changing our minds and aligning our thoughts with God’s truth.

And we are reminding ourselves that we should strive to be more like Christ and the identity that God has given us as His children.

When we identify ourselves as patient, for example, we are more likely to exhibit patience in our interactions with others.

When we identify ourselves as loving, we are more likely to show love to those around us.

By focusing on these positive qualities, we are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts, where our thoughts and behaviors align with the labels we have chosen for ourselves.

Too many people nowadays think negatively about themselves.

They take on too much responsibility and blame themselves for everything.

But this isn’t what God would want us to do.

We should treat ourselves just like we treat the people around us, with love and patience.

As you go about your day-to-day, I encourage you to give more attention to your self-talk and the labels you are placing on yourself.

Are they uplifting, or are they negative?

Remember, becoming more like Christ is our goal.

Let’s choose to label ourselves with these godly traits.

And watch as God transforms us from the inside out.

God Bless

Jesus’ Stress Relief Manual

Have you ever stopped to wonder how Jesus would handle stress?

Jesus, our Savior, faced unimaginable pressures and hardships during His time on earth.

Yet, He always kept His peace, His focus, and His mission.

How did He do it?

The answer lies in His deep, unshakeable connection with God.

When we look at how Jesus lived, we see that He regularly took time away from His work and the crowds to pray and connect with His Father.

This was His way of recharging, gaining wisdom, and finding peace amidst the storm.

In Mark 1:35 we read that very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he prayed.

How often do we imitate Jesus in this respect? 

How often do we retreat into quietness, away from the noise and the demands of the world, to find our center in God’s presence?

To combat stress, we must cultivate a regular practice of prayer and quiet reflection, just as Jesus did.

This deepens our relationship with God, allowing us to draw on His strength and peace in stressful situations.

But there’s even more to it, my friends.

Jesus also teaches us about the importance of trust.

When He was faced with the greatest stress, His impending crucifixion, He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)

This shows His ultimate trust in God’s plan, even when it led to immense suffering.

Jesus knew that God’s ways are higher than ours and trusted that everything was unfolding according to God’s will.

Stress often arises when we feel the need to control every outcome.

Jesus teaches us to let go of this need and trust in God’s plan.

Stress is a part of our everyday experiences, but it doesn’t have to rule over our peace of mind.

By following Jesus’ example we can find the peace and strength we need to navigate our challenges.

Why God Wants You To Hurt People’s Feelings (Sometimes)

A fellow Christian that attends the same church as myself let me in on some of his troubles the other day.

He had this stressed look on his face.

Like he did something wrong, and no one else but him knew.

After a lot of dancing around the subject, he told me what was on his mind.

His spouse had gained a lot of weight lately, and he wasn’t attracted to her anymore because of that.

But at the same time, he was afraid that if he told her, he might hurt her feelings.

So he felt like he couldn’t do anything about it.

This might not come as a surprise, but I hear a lot of stories like that.

People hide their true feelings from their loved ones because they don’t want to hurt them.

They think they are protecting them.

But they are doing more wrong than good.

We often underestimate how strong people are.

Humans have survived tragedies, slavery, disease – the list goes on.

They can handle having their feelings hurt.

God has made us tough.

And through hardship is how we grow.

If we want our loved ones to work through their problems, we have to hurt their feelings sometimes.

It’s fine.

We usually make things worse in our heads than how they actually are.

If a loved one has gained weight, does something that bothers you, or wears clothes that don’t fit them, you should tell them.

It might be uncomfortable at first, but they will be thankful you were honest in the long run.

It is a much finer alternative than talking about them behind their back.

Hiding your true feelings can lead to resentment.

It slowly eats you up from the inside.

And it is how couples end up splitting up.

Honesty is crucial in any relationship.

If we constantly try to make people happy, then we can end up hurting them and ourselves in the process.

As well as causing THIS to our health.

But if we respect our loved ones and want them to grow, we should always be telling them the truth.

Even if the truth is uncomfortable.

God Bless

God’s Answer To Anxiety

An increasing number of people have been asking me about anxiety lately.

Anxiety has always been a concern.

But nowadays, more and more people feel like they can’t escape it.

They tell me it exhausts them.

And that it’s stopping them from doing the things they want.

Like socializing, driving, or simply living their day to day.

I don’t know what caused this uprise in anxiety.

Perhaps social media, inflation, or everything going on around college campuses with those protesters.

But I knew that if I searched for a way to support my fellow Christians, God would assist me with finding it.

I wanted to provide people with a natural way to eliminate anxiety. And keep it that way for years to come.

I initially thought about praying and meditation.

And while these things can be very helpful, most people in my Church were already doing these.

And despite their efforts, their anxiety wouldn’t go anywhere.

I couldn’t find anything and had almost given up on my search.

But on February 9, Stanford released a study about this very subject.

It was as if God had answered my prayers.

Researchers from Stanford tested something they referred to as “cyclic sighing.”

 Source: https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2023/02/09/cyclic-sighing-can-help-breathe-away-anxiety/?fbclid=IwAR0Ka-P1S2qNsPXhOlKzBrLRkrKaevtfqnDQfnWLaRVIqWSYOjQGlOYKwGc

Researchers from Stanford tested something they referred to as “cyclic sighing.”

The concept is very simple.

You take a deep breath through your nose.

Once you’ve fully filled your lungs, you pause for a moment. And then, you “sneak in” another smaller breath through your nose.

After that, you fully exhale the air through your mouth.

If you do that, you will quickly see that your heart beats slower, and you feel calmer.

Just one or two deep sighs are enough.

But if you suffer from anxiety, the scientists from Stanford recommend you do this for 5 minutes.

They actually had 111 healthy volunteers try this for a month.

And the results were incredible.

The participants felt happier and more peaceful.

That by itself should be enough to convince everyone to try this.

But the scientists also measured people’s heartbeat, as well as how quickly they breathed, which are signs of high anxiety.

And they found that the participants’ heartbeat and breathing were slower.

So Stanford had undeniable evidence that cyclic sighing works.

It’s more beneficial than meditation.

And you can do it quicker.

Isn’t that awesome?

If you know someone who has a lot of anxiety, why don’t you forward this post to them?

You will be doing them a massive favor.