10 Most Popular Prayers of All Time for Christians

I was thinking about my favorite prayers last night, and I wanted to see if my FAVPRITES were among the most popular Christian prayers of all time. So like the good Christian woman I am, I sat down, opened up my laptop, and emailed, as well as skyped, all of my friends and family asking them what their favorite prayers are, and many of them loved the same ones that I did.

Now my family and friends don’t make up the whole world of Christianity, so I decided to hit up the Internet to find out what the most popular Christian prayers are, and honestly, I wasn’t surprised for one minute with what I discovered, and I’m pretty sure that no one reading this will be shocked by the results either.

Listed below are the 10 most popular Christian prayers of all time…..

#10 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Twenty-Third Psalm – Psalms 23: 1-6

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
he leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff–they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

#9 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Covenant Prayer – John Wesley

I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you,
Praised for you or criticized for you.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service.
And now, O wonderful and holy God,
Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer,
you are mine, and I am yours.
So be it.

And the covenant which I have made on earth,
Let it also be made in heaven. Amen.

#8 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Lead Us – St. Augustine

Lead us, O God, from the sight of the lovely things of the world
To the thought of thee their Creator;
And grant that delighting in the beautiful things of thy creation,
we may delight in thee, the first author of beauty
and the Sovereign Lord of all thy works, blessed for evermore.

#7 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Let Me Serve You – St. Theresa of Avila

Govern everything by your wisdom, O Lord, so that my soul may always be serving you in the way you will and not as I choose. Let me die to myself so that I may serve you; let me live to you who are life itself. Amen.

#6 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Trinity – St. Ethelwold

May God the Father bless us,
may Christ take care of us,
the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life.
The Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul,
both now and for ever, to the ages of ages.

#5 Most Popular Christian Prayer: The Serenity Prayer – Reinhold Niebuhr

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking, as Jesus did,
this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
trusting that You will make all things right
if I surrender to Your will;
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with You forever in the next.

#4 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Receive Grace – John Wesley

O God, seeing as there is in Christ Jesus an infinite fullness of all that we can want or desire, May we all receive from him, grace upon grace; grace to pardon our sins, and subdue our iniquities; to justify our persons and to sanctify our souls; and to complete that holy change, that renewal of our hearts, Which will enable us to be transformed into the blessed image in which you created us. O make us all acceptable to be partakers of the inheritance of your saints in light. Amen.

#3 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Trust – St. Augustine

My God, let me know and love you, so that I may find my happiness in you. Since I cannot fully achieve this on earth, help me to improve daily until I may do so to the full Enable me to know you ever more on earth, so that I may know you perfectly in heaven. Enable me to love you ever more on earth, so that I may love you perfectly in heave. In that way my joy may be great on earth, and perfect with you in heaven. O God of truth, grant me the happiness of heaven so that my joy may be full in accord with your promise. In the meantime let my mind dwell on that happiness, my tongue speak of it, my heart pine for it, my mouth pronounce it, my soul hunger for it, my flesh thirst for it, and my entire being desire it until I enter through death in the joy of my Lord forever. Amen.

#2 Most Popular Christian Prayer: Strengthen Us – Thomas a Kempis

Creative Talk to God Road Sign

God, our Father, we are exceedingly frail and indisposed to every virtuous and gallant undertaking. Strengthen our weakness, we beseech you, that we may do valiantly in this spiritual war; help us against our own negligence and cowardice, and defend us from the treachery of our unfaithful hearts. for Jesus Christ’s sake.

#1 Most Popular Christian Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts and we forgive
our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil,
for thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever. Amen.

I know that not all of these are everyone’s favorite prayers, but i think it’s safe to say that these are all amazing prayers that we should share with others when we have the opportunity to do so!

But with all of this said, if you’re reading this, and if you have some extra time on your hands, could you please do me a HUGE favor and let me know in the comments section which of these 10 prayers listed above is the one you have recited more than the others. Also, can you let me know which prayer, any prayer, it doesn’t have to be from this list, is your favorite prayer of all time and why!

I really appreciate all of you that have taken the time to read this article!

Finally, I just started the new Instagram account @christian.tech.nerd and I’d LOVE for anyone with an Instagram account to please follow me so I can follow you back!

92 thoughts on “10 Most Popular Prayers of All Time for Christians

  1. I’d have to say the Lord’s prayer (which is really our prayer as taught to us by Him).

    Another favorite is Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians: [I pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe Ephesians 1:17-19

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is my favorite, followed closely by the model Lord’s Prayer. What’s interesting about the Ephesians prayer is, if you look at the structure of the rest of the letter, Paul discusses the three things he prays for (hope, riches of his inheritance, and power) in reverse order (Power/resurrection from 1:19b through 2:10; inheritance from 2:11 through end of ch. 3; and hope in chapters 4-6).
      Scott (SundayMorningGreekBlog)

      Liked by 2 people

  2. May I suggest #11?

    Numbers 6:24-26
    King James Version
    24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

    25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

    26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi, I love the prayers. I didn’t know the serenity prayer had the last part! My favorite prayer has been ‘May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.’

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I think I’m old fashioned, and the Lord’s Prayer is my favorite. It’s what Jesus taught. And it’s nice and simple and covers everything that’s important.

    My grandma passed away a year ago. I was helping Mom clean her house shortly after that, and Mom said if there was anything little I wanted to keep to remember Grandma by, to let her know… I took a wall decoration of a cross with the Lord’s Prayer on it.

    I’ve always been partial to the Serenity Prayer too… when I was a kid, my dad was in recovery from addiction, and my parents were big on that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. I feel like I was emotionally prepared for it, though. She was 100 and had been in declining health for a while, and when I last saw her alive (Christmas 2020), I had a feeling that was going to be the last time.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. One of my favorites is also by St. Teresa of Avila: “Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things will pass away. God never changes; patience obtains all things, whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices. Amen.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. There is also one called simply the “Jesus Prayer.” “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” You might also see that one without the words “a sinner” at the end. Either way.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. But you left out one of the best… by Francis of Assisi:
    “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
    where there is injury, pardon;
    where there is doubt, faith;
    where there is despair, hope;
    where there is darkness, light;
    where there is sadness, joy;

    “O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
    to be understood as to understand;
    to be loved as to love.”

    For it is in giving that we receive;
    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the one I was missing, too! We prayed that one often at my school as I was growing up. I have a worship CD by Lionel Peterson and Integrity Music called “Rejoice Africa ” It has a song “Peace,” which is this prayer put to music. It’s beautiful!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oops! I shared the wrong title. I do love “Peace,” but the song I was thinking of comes right after it on the album. It’s called “Instruments of Your Peace.” This album was recorded in a stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa at a time of unrest, and the authorities were fearful of what would happen when black and white people gathered in such a large number. But instead, there was a beautiful spirit of reconciliation. I really recommend this album. The music is excellent, and it shows how the presence of God changes hearts. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  8. “As the deer pants for water, so my soul pants for you.” -Psalm 42

    And in that vein as well- “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and we are restless until we find our rest in thee.” -Augustine (It doesn’t sound like a prayer, but it is, I think, a prayer of humility and confession)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve recited the Lord’s prayer as well as Psalms 23 a lot of times. I can’t tell which one I have recited the most😁

    I love the serenity prayer too😊.

    Thanks a lot for sharing. I learnt there are other prayers from this😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


      1. Awwn thank you so much. I’m actually just seeing this message. I haven’t been consistent with blogging. I’m so sorry. I’ll definitely subscribe to your YouTube channel 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I apologize for not replying sooner! I graduated from college this past December and I was focusing just on my grades, but I’ll be blogging again again, and I really hope you can check out my newest articles each week as I publish them! God bles you and all of those that you love in your life!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


  10. By far the prayer I have most said would be the Lord’s prayer. A recent favorite of mine is from Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee. The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


  11. I liked # 9 the best as I’ve never heard it and the Believers life is about surrendering to Yeshua, (Jesus’ Hebrew name), fully. I thought it was a great post and enjoyed each prayer. I have a strong inclination to prayer and remember you in our regular Prayer Debriefings. Peace

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. If I may, let me offer a prayer that those of us who blog about our faith can pray for ourselves and each other: Lord, may the voices of those who speak your truth on WordPress be magnified and amplified, and never canceled or silenced. Let our words bring hope, healing, wisdom, and grace to the hurting and the lost so they might be restored to and renewed in your love and salvation. In Jesus’s name, amen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


      1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

        Here is the YouTube Channel

        My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

        Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


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