Is Obesity A Blessing In Disguise?

Some people have a predisposition to obesity.

Up until recently, we considered these people to be unlucky

That if they want to be healthy like “regular” people, they would have to do more work.

However, a study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden may have just flipped the tables.

The researchers found that people who are prone to being obese are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

The researchers observed over 15,000 twins who had high BMI.

And they discovered that the ones who were obese due to genetic factors had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than the ones due to lifestyle factors.

This means that they had fewer strokes, coronary artery disease, and other heart health concerns.

Anyone who reads this is going to wish they had a predisposition to obesity.

This does not mean that we can neglect our weight.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise is crucial for fighting disease.

But it makes you wonder

What are some other things that are good for us, even though we might think they are bad?

When we come across problems, we may be tempted to ask

“Why me, God? What did I do to deserve this?”

We often can’t comprehend why something is happening to us.

But we have to remember

Every challenge we encounter is another one of God’s tests.

One that we have to overcome to become more resilient and wiser.

And while it may not seem like it, it might be a blessing in disguise.

This time, we found out that having a predisposition to obesity means a lower risk for cardiovascular disease.

Tomorrow, who knows, we might find out something else.

God works in mysterious ways.

In the future, you might be looking back to a challenge you are dealing with as a happy memory.

So let us put our trust in God, and He will reward us when the time is right.

Are Carbs The Devil’s Food?

There is a trend going around lately.

People who are trying to slim down treat carbohydrates like the Devil.

They stay away from things like bread, pasta, or fries

But the truth is, carbohydrates are essential for our health.

They are one of the major energy sources.

Why do they have such a bad rep?

Well, that is because there are good and bad carbohydrates.

You may have already heard about them.

Good carbohydrates provide us with essential nutrients and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

They are also referred to as complex carbohydrates. 

These carbohydrates take longer to break down in our stomachs, resulting in a slow and steady release of energy. 

They provide a feeling of fullness and satiety.

So they aid us in controlling our weight.

They also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for our overall health.

On the other hand, bad carbohydrates are those that are processed, refined, and contain added sugars. 

These carbohydrates are also known as simple carbohydrates. 

They provide quick energy. But they are also responsible for spikes in glucose levels, leading to a crash later.

They are often found in processed foods, sugary drinks, and snacks. 

These types of carbohydrates can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

So, what can you do to be healthier?

Simple. Choose good carbohydrates over bad ones. 

Incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your nutrition. 

Opt for brown rice instead of white rice, whole-grain bread instead of white bread, and whole-grain pasta instead of regular pasta. 

Choose snacks that are low in added sugars, such as fresh fruit, nuts, or popcorn. 

And try to stay away from processed foods and sugary drinks.

By preferring good carbohydrates over bad ones, we can improve our overall health and well-being. 

So, the next time you reach for a snack or plan your meals, think about the type of carbohydrates you are consuming and choose wisely.

Why You Should Assist Others With Finding God’s Path

Every time I assist someone to come closer to God, something odd happens.

I feel more centered


And wiser.

At first, I thought this was because of people’s gratitude.

And while I appreciate that, that wasn’t it.

I’ve come to realize that when I aid others with listening to God’s Will, my faith deepens.

By helping others, I walk a step closer to God.

One person at a time.

And this is something that every Christian can do to deepen their faith as well, no matter their profession, age, or gender.

God’s generosity is boundless, and He has graced us with countless blessings.

Among these blessings lies our capacity to uplift and encourage others in their spiritual journey.

As it says in 1 Thessalonians 5 11, we are reminded, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

When we invest our hearts in the spiritual well-being of others, our own faith flourishes and grows.

As we provide our support, we become a living testimony to God’s transformative grace.

We show that faith is not a lonely endeavor.

But a shared experience of divine love, uniting us in a wondrous and mysterious way.

This interconnection is the essence of our Christian faith, and it unveils the true meaning of fellowship, community, and love.

Everyone can engage in uplifting and encouraging others.

Whether it’s simply by listening, praying for someone, or sharing words of wisdom, encouragement can take many shapes.

By embracing this divine calling, we can connect with God and express ourselves in a way that serves Him.

That’s why I highly encourage you to make it a priority to uplift others in their spiritual journey.

And use these simple ideas to support those around you.

And I promise you will feel the same fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment that I did.

17 thoughts on “Is Obesity A Blessing In Disguise?

      1. Takes time and a lot of perseverance, especially for days when energy is low but keeping going is the only way to lose the weight and keep it off with daily exercise, it’s way too easy to just do nothing and the results are too much weight and a very bad outlook for serious bad health:)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you very much for this piece! Actually, I feel so blessed to have realized all these things only these past five years especially since the start of the COVID pandemic. A month before pandemic, I had my regular checkups and I weighed 285 lbs. My doctor told me if I can’t lose weight, do not gain any more at all. Thanks to COVID, I was terrified of getting sick, of going to hospital that I cut down on my food intake and started walking. That shift had continued until now as I weigh 236 lbs! Everything improved in my system and now, I am working on attaining 200 lbs. Most of all, I am able to serve God more through our students at the university where I am a chaplain. Praise God and God bless you more too in your writings and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ironically, obesity saved my Dad’s leg once. He had a car accident. And the doctor said that cause of his obese he was, his leg didn’t need to be amputated. It saved him from losing it. He said it was the first time he ever saw obesity have a positive health benefit. Of course cultures see things differently. In Hawaii, heavy set women were considered beautiful. Some parts of Africa are like that too.

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  3. The LORD God gave the Jews nutritional guidelines of what is kosher to keep them healthy to this current age. He knew in their genetic makeup what had the potential of making some but not all of them ill, and told them to stay away from certain animals for food. Yeshua freed them from dietary restrictions after He rose and defeated death. From that point, they were given authority from God to heal others miraculously and diagnose diseases caused by food gone bad.

    Today, we know to be wary of foods prepared with artificial ingredients such as artificial sweeteners or GMO produced ingredients. Those ingredients can cause a number of debilitating and deadly illnesses.


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