Serving Others Like This Pushes You Further Away From God

Scripture is full of verses about serving others.

Take a look at Ephesians 6:7, for example: “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.”

Or Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

It is clear that God wants us to support other people.

And that serving others means we are also serving the Lord.

However, let me ask you a question.

If your neighbor asked to spend your whole weekend painting his house, would you do it?

What if your old relative reached out because he wanted someone to drive him around for a week?

It starts becoming ridiculous at some point

Serving others when you don’t really want to can make you hateful.

And it can push you away from God’s path.

So what are you supposed to do?

Well, as they say, the Devil lies in the details.

The key to serving others the right way is to know the extent you are willing to go.

Before you try to assist other people ask yourself what you want.

Try this mental exercise…..

If no one judged you for pleasing yourself, what would you like to do?

This is a question that seems “taboo” for Christians.

But let’s take a look at Ephesians 6:7 again: “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.”

The word “wholeheartedly” is also a part of the verse.

We have to serve others because of the goodness in our hearts, not out of necessity.

The simplest way to do that is by knowing what makes you happy.

In other words, understand your own boundaries and desires.

When you are satisfied with your decisions, you can support people in need without resentment.

So the next time someone asks you for a favor, don’t feel guilty if you want to say “no.”

Consider your own desires first.

And be brave enough to speak your mind.

Otherwise, we are just people-pleasers, not Christians.

God Bless!

23 thoughts on “Serving Others Like This Pushes You Further Away From God

  1. An old relative asks you to drive them around for a week…. Rather than giving them an immediate yes/no, think about responding “let me think about it”. After reflecting, you may conclude a week is excessive, but “I suppose I could drive them around for a day” may seem reasonable. Also think about, “how can you convert it into a productive time”?

    Ask, “has God ever answered your prayers? Tell me about it.” “What has God been teaching you lately?” If heathens are asking for a lot of favors, think of how to create productive dialogue out of it. Ask God for wisdom concerning how to use these requests as productive ministries to bring both the requesting person and yourself closer to God. If any lack wisdom, let them ask God who gives liberally Js 1:5.

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      1. Serving others is Divine Liked …but it does not SAVE. Lord JEsus did not come to bring a new philosophy on eath but a THERAPY so WE could see God and live. [Exodus 33:20] “And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live”. This remaking of man is known as becoming Holy, a new Creation a new Adam or a god by the Grace of God is all discriptions of becoming Holy! THis is how the story took place for Adam ans Eve from the begings begoten as REvalatio! There is no othe means of knowledge leading to Salvation than knowing God personally! The Orthodox Church was the only one Curch present in the world the first 1054 years of Chrsianity!


        Most of the Apostles became Bishops

        Orthodoxy is the Only True Faith! Jesus Christ has a Single Church! American documentary

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  2. This was a really good article. It’s something I’ve been trying to teach my daughter for years. It’s good to say “No”. One needs to have some self-respect and not get trampled on. As you mentioned, if you overdo it, it can lead to resentment towards that individual, and to helping in general. You should do it b/c you want to do it, not because you feel like you have to.

    GodBless TechNerd!


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  3. I want to encourage you to keep writing and sharing your thoughts. I would encourage you to spend more time reading and rewriting drafts than writing so many posts. I also recommend you find a mentor, preferably someone with an experienced published writer and have them critique your articles before you publish them yourself.

    I would love to fall in line with so many of these positive comments, but I am not sure what your argument has to do with the scriptures in your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll push back a little bit because this blog is kinda like my practice at becoming a better writer, and your criticism is helpful in encouraging me to write better. And I don’t want or need a mentor, or at least not yet!


      1. I am a musician retired 70 year old and I have dedicated my life to people who love Lord Jesus as much as I do seeing that they get a relationship with God and Theosis so they can live along with Him in His Kingdom. eternally.

        Diakonia ( is what I do) is Offering service to fellow human beings free like the Lord Jesus did. Others in the Church prepare supper for the poor others take care the cleaning of the Church, others visit hospitals. Allow me please to do my diakonia by sharing the theology knowledge of the Holy Fathers of the Greek Orthodox Church

        Anytime you like to talk keep in mind you are talking to someone who cares you do not share our conversation with anyone else. Our life task is not the reading of the Holy Bible but the purity of the heart Mathew 5:8 is needed so we can kow God personally! Here is how Saint Spiridonas (a Cyprus Saint) revealed pur knowledge about the TRIAD God after He had a personal Revelation from Him!

        Saint Spiridonas the Wonderworker A Cyprus Saint shows how God is Triad and yet He is One! God bless and take care

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