7 Patriotic Veteran’s Day Prayers to Honor America’s Best Patriots

To ALL of you Veteran’s out there, I’d like to say thank you for keeping America free!

Below are some amazing prayers that I hope everyone can take a moment to check out and enjoy!

Also, please do me a HUGE favor and check out my Christian friend’s YouTube channel by Clicking HERE! If you could subscribe to their channel that would be very much appreciated because their video content has been created for Christians, Conservatives, and American Patriots!

Click Here To Check Out The DAILY CHRISTIAN YouTube Channel & Please Subscribe!

1 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Prayer for Veterans Day

Heavenly Father,
Author and Giver of Peace,

We ask your blessing and mercy upon
Our soldiers, veterans,
Men and women protecting home
And country.

Answering the call to action,
Willing to fight even bitter conflict
Fighting for our lives and freedoms,
Prepared to give their lives,

In serving us they serve you well.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your blessings,
Upon our veterans, our soldiers, upon us all.
Thank these, our heroes,
Reward abundantly their sacrifice.

Grant them peace of mind,
Comfort their hearts,
Heal all their wounds,
Give them strength.

Encourage them in all difficulties.
Guide and protect their travels.
Protect their family and loved ones

Heavenly Father,

May your guidance and blessings
Be with them wherever they go,
Whatever they do.

When earthly life is over,
Bring our veterans home to heaven.

There to receive a rich reward,
Enjoy your blessed presence,
Rejoice in your eternal peace,
And be re-united with loved ones.

Heavenly Father, you promise,

No more suffering, death, and war.
No more hurt, doubt, confusion.
But only joy and happiness,
Reward, refreshment, and reunion,

With all the armies of heaven,
The angels and saints,
Our ancestors in the faith,
Our loved ones gone before us.

We ask you, Heavenly Father,

Welcome our veterans home,
To our true homeland country,
The Land of Peace and Rest


2 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Prayer for Veterans that Lost Thier Lives

O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their lives in the service of their country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Son they may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in you with your saints forever. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

We must remember those who fought the battle and have lost their lives for our freedom. Prayers for veterans will provide comfort to their souls as they cross over to the heavenly kingdom and rejoice with their creator Jesus Christ. No matter how long it’s been, it’s important that we communicate with those lost veterans through prayer and share with them our many thanks for their sacrifices that will never be repaid. Through our prayers for veterans, the average person here on earth has the ability to reach out and connect with those who’ve lost their lives and our now guardian angels from above.

3 Veteran’s Day Prayer: A Prayer for the Military Community

Almighty God, Lord of Hosts, we call out to you as the One who is sovereign over all. Watch over and protect our nation’s military members and their families. Sustain them with your everlasting arms.

Take into your most gracious protection our service members currently deployed. May you be their comfort and their guide as they live and walk in a foreign land. Give them reassurance that you are a shield around them, an ever-present help in time of need. Grant our service members courage so that in all things they may serve without reproach. Encourage them while they also encourage one another.

As they serve around the world, we ask that you guard their families and loved ones back home. Provide them with peace and surround them with love as they mourn the absence of their loved one and long for their return. May they find hope and strength in you for the trials of each new day. Be with military children who endure the difficult burden of knowing their father or mother is in harm’s way for months on end. Guard these children’s hearts and minds despite the loneliness and uncertainty of having a parent deployed.

Lord God, be with marriages in the military. Preserve the bonds of husband and wife despite the stress that military life brings, stress only compounded by the decade of war our nation is in. Help military chaplains in their efforts to equip military marriages with ways to stay connected and communicate effectively despite the challenge of frequent deployments. Give husbands and wives strength and resilience to endure separations, frequent moves, and all the uncertainty military life brings.

For some, Lord, service takes their toll permanently in physical and emotional damage. For those wounded in battle, we pray you would come beside them.. Sustain and strengthen them amidst treatment, pain, and adjustments to life with an injury. Help them to find competent care and support, and to not be afraid to reach out for a helping hand or a listening ear. Be with their caregivers in the demanding role they have. Give caregivers renewed energy to offer support and love as they tend to the needs of the injured. Strengthen them as they both monitor and advocate for their loved one.

We know that war is very costly. Some have made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their precious lives in service to our nation. Each one of them was a son or daughter, perhaps a husband or wife, father or mother. For all those who feel the pain and the toll of this war in the loss of their loved one, comfort them. Be a father to the fatherless and defender of widows. As they cast their cares on you, may they know the consolation of your love. We thank you for the freedoms these service members fought for which we enjoy today.

For each and every veteran who has served our country through the years, we thank you for their sacrifice. Comfort those who struggle in life after war. Help us to honor and care for those who have given so much for us.

Be with our nation’s leaders as well, and all those who make decisions for our military. Give them wisdom and discernment in everything they do.

Father God, we long for the day when swords will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. We long for your peace, for your shalom.

In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

4 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Psalm 136:1

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

Oftentimes the good and bad in war can be misconstrued. The intentions of a soldier in combat can be forgotten because of the actions that take place during war. It’s important to remember the sacrifice that man has offered when we share prayers for veterans. The Lord will never forget the actions and intentions behind war – instead our Savior identifies the selfless act and the person that embodies those actions. Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for His children – so that all sins would forever be forgiven. When uttering prayers remember that. Remember that our Savior is on our veteran’s side because He, too, was on the battlefield fighting for their allegiance and providing unconditional mercy.

5 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Prayer for Veterans & Military Men & Women

Gracious God, we give thanks for military men and women, both from the past and present, and for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for all. May our remembrance be a timely reminder that our freedom was purchased at high cost, and should not be taken for granted. Give us resolve to labor in faithful service to you until all share the benefits of freedom, justice, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

6 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Psalm 136:1

Silhouette of woman hands praying with cross and holding a red heart ball in nature sunrise background, Crucifix, Symbol of Faith. Christian life crisis prayer to god, The concept of loving God. (Silhouette of woman hands praying with cross and hold

Blessed be the Lord my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle – My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge.”

While you and I may not be veterans, we can still find comfort in Psalm 144 because our prayers for veterans are instilling God’s love and guidance by reassuring the shield that Jesus Christ offers each and every one of us. A veteran may have seen unthinkable tragedy however, it’s imperative that he or she understands and accepts that their Lord and Savior will forever provide refuge. For a soldier, it can be easily forgotten that Christ is also shielding them and acting on their behalf. While they march on enemy lines, the negativity can take over. Therefore, it’s important that we recite prayers for veterans who may not otherwise know that they have a support system that’s rooting them on.

7 Veteran’s Day Prayer: Prayer for Our Soldiers

Lord, We lift up prayer for those who lead and direct our soldiers. May their daily decisions bring powerful protection and abundant provision to our men and women in uniform. Amen.

Whether a veteran is physically in battle or just mentally, we mustn’t forget the price that they’ve all paid. Some veterans have found salvation from their post-traumatic stress disorder however, others haven’t. When you utter prayers for veterans remember that a soldier’s work is never done. Even though they may not be physically on the front lines their mind and soul may still be there. All in all, it’s important to pray for protection for the men and women in uniform. It’s important to not forget their sacrifice. We shouldn’t categorize their prayers in representation of a holiday or celebration. Instead these prayers for our soldiers should be recited every day.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your EXTREMELY busy day to enjoy these prayers for American’s greatest patriots!

And once again, please CLICK HERE to check out the DAILY CHRISTIAN YOUTUBE CHANNEL & SUBSCRIBE!

49 thoughts on “7 Patriotic Veteran’s Day Prayers to Honor America’s Best Patriots

      1. I have another one that I have to post and then that’s all. It was a learning mistake that I won;t make again! I did get a good amount though, but if I didn;t have to sign a contract I would give it back because a lot of my readers did not like that 😦 So when you see the next post don’t get too upset….thank you for caring though 🙂


      2. I was mostly concerned. I have friends that have fallen into cults with messages like that and I don’t want that to happen to you. But I have also remained friends with them while they’re in the cult. I’ve known a few others that got hacked and it did a number on their reputation. I won’t be upset. I just want to know that you’re still you.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. The paperback is up to order, and the e-book is up for pre-order.

        Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBXNXKWW?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ts_5CHZP7W27SHVB9G21QWX

        If you buy it and do a review on your blog, I would be happy to reimburse you the cost of the book.

        Here’s an excerpt from the book:

        Timothy looked down into his bucket. “I never knew how he got Dr. Wilkins to fix my leg. I just assumed that it was expensive.”

        “Only a ha’penny. After that, the doctor dared not cross the old man. He lived in fear of Scrooge’s judgment the rest of his life,” the Spirit of Love replied.

        “I don’t understand,” Timothy said. “I always thought that love was a good thing.”

        “I am,” the spirit replied. “To love is the greatest thing! But to love one to the detriment of another can lead to all kinds of evil. That’s not true love, that is obsession. That’s not what I am.”

        “Is this why you owed Scrooge? Because you led him into evil?”

        “I owe? I lead into evil? What foolishness!” the Spirit of Love scoffed. “Your mentor owed me for corrupting my good gifts into an evil. I owe no one. All owe all to me, whether they acknowledge it or not. That was your mentor’s mistake. He thought that he had earned the right to choose who and how to love, but he was so close to correcting it by the time you took over his business that I was able to fix that last little error in the end.”

        “How can I avoid this same mistake, Spirit?”

        “Well that’s simple,” the reflection replied…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

        Here is the YouTube Channel

        My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

        Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


      1. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

        Here is the YouTube Channel

        My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

        Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


  1. It is Good to see your stories again. Thank You for writing this article about Veterans. As a Christian Jewish person, a Rabbi who believes in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and as a retired 1st Lieutenant who served our country The United States Of America and retired last Year, I appreciate this story for Veterans. A lot of people Thank me for my service. I always tell people Please don’t Thank me for me service because it is my Honor to serve in God’s World and help protect our God given Rights, Freedom, and World Peace for everything that God Almighty created. I also tell people to not Thank me too because it was my choice to go serve in God’s World and our country. It is not like the veterans who were drafted and did not have a choice like some of the Veterans in The 1st American Civil War, World War 2, Vietnam, or any other War where they were drafted and did not have a choice, much like what if going on in Russia right now where civilians are being drafted there. That is a hard subject to talk about because I am a 3rd Generation American Citizen with Polish 🇵🇱, Jewish 🇮🇱, German 🇩🇪, Russian 🇷🇺, Prussian, French 🇫🇷, Canadian 🇨🇦, and Ukrainian 🇺🇦 Ancestry. My Ancestor’s came to The United States Of America from all these countries. I am going to ask a favor from you and all your readers her to Please say a Prayer to God Almighty Himself, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit to Please send me back in with The United States Air Force and or any other Military Branch soon so that I can continue to fight for our God given Rights, Freedom, and World Peace. I would greatly appreciate if you all could do that for me. God God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit, Please watch over and protect The Christian Tech Nerd (I am sorry, I don’t know your name other then that), and Please watch over and protect her readers and everything else too. I beg You in Your Names, Amen

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you yeah I’m just definitely been going under a spiritual attack last couple weeks but I do know this to will be overcome as before… but just need little bit of help… I know I’m an Army Veteran and I’m pretty good have been on my own… but I know after few years ago after my combat deployments I tried battling these things on my own with God also but after few years I realized I do need to rely on my brothers and sisters also so I’m not doing g what I did before and not seek spiritual help from others and just to try to totally rely on the Lord going into the battle for me this time around

        Anyways thanks God bless ya

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

        Here is the YouTube Channel

        My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

        Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi Sheila!

      I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


    1. Hi David! Hi! I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas and ask you for a tiny favor, but of course you don’t have to, but if you have time, I’d love for you to check out a YouTube channel that I’m going to start creating Christian themed videos for, and it would be great if you could just check it out and please subscribe to it if if isn’t too much of an inconvenience.

      Here is the YouTube Channel

      My first video gets posted in a couple days, so if you subscribe you’ll see it 🙂

      Even if you can’t check out my YouTube channel, I want to wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas!


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